Sunday, February 1, 2009

Recycled Flowerpots and Planters

Here's a great collection of different kinds of planters.
Many of them are totally unique and creative, and you won't find them in any store.
But most important - they are all recycled!

Tires planters by ourlaughingplace

Recycled keyboard planter by joe-ks

Recycled red parrot planter made from tire
Red parrot planter made from tire by ponyswings

Bra planter
Bra planter by feverishthoughts

Old computer planter
Old computer planter by apartmenttherapy

Recycled Old car planter
Old car turned into planter by webshots user mtflyer2002

Recycled tuba planter
Tuba planter by flickr user paulg57

Recycled tire planter
Recycled tire planter by flickr user chubfisherman

Bottle planters
Bottle planters by flickr user GreenScaper

BBQ grill planter
BBQ grill planter by junkmailgemsblog

Recycled jeans planter
Recycled jeans planter by tukadeka

Toilet bowl planter
Toilet bowl planter by flickr user simon_white

Planters made from heavy-duty recycled sacks and ribbon by pedlars

Washing machine cylinder planter
Washing machine cylinder planter by The Shippen

Boot Flowerpot
Boot Flowerpot by flickr user klg1309

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4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I live in a small Canadian coastal community where we have many gardeners and recyclers. We are somewhat of an artist's colony as well so when I see these photos you have taken I grin broadly. Many gardens here feature the same creative reuse of containers. I have some pretty unusual ones on my deck too.
Best wishes for effective networking at BC. :)

Eleven said...

timethief, thanks for the comment. You are welcomed to send a link with your photos.

Anonymous said...

Great post - hard to chose my favorite, but I really like the computer planter - I will definitely use that one :-}

Eleven said...

oregonartguy, we want to see your computer planter after you'll make it!

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